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  2011年3与24-25日,“中国化:超越东西方的文明进程”(Sinicization: Civilizational Processes beyond East and West)会议在高研院举行,此次会议是美国康奈尔大学政治学系彼得 J. 卡赞斯坦(Peter J. Katzenstein)主持,由高研院承办。 会议邀请了海内外国际关系、政治学、人文学知名学者参加,加强了中美两国学者对文明对话与共处的理解。彼得 J. 卡赞斯坦(Peter J. Katzenstein)是美国康奈尔大学政治学系Walter S. Carpenter Jr. 国际研究讲席教授(Walter S. Carpenter, Jr.Professor of International Studies ),主持该项计划已经持续三年。



Sinicization: Civilizational Processes beyond East and West

Workshop hosted by the Institute of Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University

Workshop Site: Council Chamber of Shou-jen Center(守仁中心会议厅)

Friday March 25-Saturday March 26, 2011

Introductory Comment: 

This workshop is the follow-up to a first, author-only workshop held at Beida in the spring of 2010. The analytical outline discussed there have been expanded and redrafted at least two times. This workshop is to provide comments and critiques on fully fleshed-out drafts to improve them further prior to publication. The workshop papers are being reviewed by readers for Routledge and there will be one more round of revisions, to be completed by mid-summer, before the Press decides on publication. This is not the time therefore to imagine an entirely different book but to try instead to make this the best book it can become. The book has the working title of Sinicization: Civilizational Processes  Beyond East and West and is being completed at the same time as a twin volume titled Anglo-America: Civilizational Politics  Beyond West and East. The two books are concerned with both civilizational identities and civilizational processes;  Sinicization focuses more on processes,  Anglo-America more on identities, especially racial and liberal ones.

Because our Peking-based participants will  be torn between attending the workshop and the ever-present, pressing demands imposed on their time by teaching, administrative work  and family obligations, it is of course totally understandable if they are able to attend only selected sessions. The first session on Friday morning and the last session on Saturday afternoon are likely to focus on more general issues. On Friday there are two sessions on security, on Saturday two sessions on culture. Unfortunately the two political economy papers straddle Friday afternoon and Saturday morning which is less than ideal,  but in this case unavoidable.

Workshop Procedure:

I will circulate for the authors all papers no later than February 25th, a month ahead of time. The assumption thus is that all participants will have read the papers before the workshop. Since we have six substantive papers dealing with issues of security, economy and culture, I will ask the authors of their “sister papers” to start us off by summarizing a given paper’s main claims in no more than three minutes.( Miles Kahler will do this for my first, opening  paper and David Leheny for my second, concluding one).  

It is my hope that discussants will write up their comments (2-3 pages)  and that they will circulate their comments to all participants no later than one week before the workshop, that is by March 18th. The discussants will have 10 minutes to elaborate on their written comments in light of the general discussion of the workshop. Both comments on the specific arguments of the papers and how these papers fit into the overall project will be most helpful.

I have been fortunate to recruit Miles Kahler and David Leheny as general discussants for the project. They will not only comment on my two framing papers but also on three others:  Miles on Zhu, Shiraishi, and Xu; Leheny on Hau, Shih and Carlson. Their comments will also be circulated by March 18th. And we will turn to them before opening up for a general discussion.  

Chairs are not just keeping the discussion orderly but on account of their substantive knowledge hopefully will actively intervene in the discussion and enliven the discussion with their own substantive comments whenever they are so inclined or see fit.

I admit that this procedure demands some advance work by all workshop participants. But it has proven to be very effective for several book projects that I have been part of in the past. And it helps enormously in preparing the grounds for the high-quality and focused discussion from which we all will learn during the workshop.


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