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视频 | 杜维明先生在2023“回儒领导对话峰会”上的演讲


Speech Transcripts

I'm honored to be a part of this proceeding. I profoundly regret that I'm not able to take part in person. I really appreciate this opportunity. I cherish the opportunity to be able to share ideas about Confucianism and Islam to the general audience. I particularly grateful to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for his remarkable statement about the compatibility and mutuality of the Confucian and Islamic spirit. 


And I do believe that since our first initial discussion, more than, 40 years ago, we have embarked on an unprecedented effort for dialogue among civilizations — the dialogue based upon mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual appreciation. I particularly cherish Prime Minister's notion about the endless struggle of the conscience, of the Islamic thinker in trying to understand the common good, the shared values, not only among Muslims, between Muslims and Confucians, but among people as a whole. In a way, Confucianism and Islam struggle to appreciate.


It's a world of peace based upon self-understanding and understanding of others, like in the Zhong Yong (《中庸》), the notion about a truly sincere person is their ability to understand oneself. By understanding oneself, one is able to understand others. By understanding others, one will be able to communicate with a larger world, the world of the material world. And with communication with the larger world, one can form a Trinity with Heaven and Earth. One is no longer an individual, as a person, as a member of a community, but also as a transcendent order. The greatest aspiration of Confucianism and in Islam it is the unity of the self, community, and the world beyond. Heaven, Earth, community and the individual, are interconnected as a continuum, continuum of significance. 


And my experience with the dialogue with Islam has been to broaden my vision of the person, not only as a person in isolation, but also as a person in communication, and a person among other persons and among things and beyond - a person forms one body with Heaven and Earth and a myriad of things. And the Islamic transcendence about self, way - beyond the human community, embraces nature, Heaven, and the transcendent realm as a whole, helps us as persons, to understand ourselves. And so, the dialogue between Confucianism and Islam is an interreligious dialogue. It's a dialogue of mutual appreciation, mutual understanding, and mutual confirmation, a joint commitment to further the whole process of human flourishing. I'm greatly honored to be an integral part of this process more than 40 years ago. I look forward with great hope that I'll be able to take part in this process as well.


Let me mention lastly, it is quite remarkable for Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, a statesman, a great mind, and an important enlightened thinker, to be able to appreciate religion, interreligious dialogue from the spiritual realm, not just from the realm of the secular world. And from the spiritual point of view, he opens up a path of communication, which is not only the communication of the heart and mind, but also the communication of the spirit. I do hope it is my honor to be part of this process of learning together with my distinguished scholars and practitioners of Islam all over the world.  Thank you very much. 


英文:黄琦, Marek Z. Jeziorek


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