2010年10月,国际哲学学会(the Institute of International Philosophy)是全球最古老、最有影响的哲学组织,由世界上各国中最优秀的哲学家组成,每个国家有人数限制。
Professor Tu was elected member of IIP
Tu Weiming (Research Professor and former Harvard-Yenching Professor of Chinese History and Philosophy and of Confucian Studies) was elected titular member of the Institute of International Philosophy (IIP), representing China, by its latest general assembly (held in Paris on September 17).
IIP, the oldest “honor society” in philosophy, has been dedicated to philosophical inquiry as a global joint venture since 1937. Currently, there are 106 members from 44 countries, including Habermas (Germany), Hintikka (Finland), D. P. Chattopadhyyaya (India), Appiah (Ghana), Imamichi Tomonobu (Japan), Lektorski (Russia), Nasr (Iran), and Searle (USA). Charles Parsons, Hilary Putnam, and Amartya Sen on the Harvard faculty are also members.
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