2013 第一届
What are Confucian Entrepreneurs?
1. 社会:公共担当与全球视野
Society: Public Responsibility and Global Vision
2. 生态:企业成长与环境平衡
Ecology: Enterprise Growth and Environmental Balance
3. 宗教:内在超越与终极关怀
Religion: Internal Transcendence and Ultimate Concern
To be A Confucian Entrepreneur
2014 第二届
Wealth and Confucian Entrepreneurs as Role Models
一、 演讲主旨主题
The Role Model of Confucian Entrepreneurs and East Asian Civilizations
1. 财富与人生
Wealth and Life
2. 财富的文明范型:基于历史经验与现代生活的对话
The Civilizational Paradigms of Wealth: A Dialogue based on Historical Experience and Modern Life
3. 多元的财富观:挖掘其价值体系与实践意义
Plural Conceptions of Wealth: Digging into their Philosophical Value Systems and Practical Significance
4. 财富、教育与幸福
Wealth, Education and Welfare
2015 第三届
Conscience, Values Remolding and Entrepreneurs
一、 主题对话
1. 当今中国/世界的价值冲突与价值重塑
Conflicting Values and the Remolding of Values in China and the World Today
2. 作为价值重塑基石的良知理性
Rational Conscience as the Cornerstone for Values Remolding
3. 企业家的“义与利”观
The Entrepreneurs’ Views on ‘Justice and Benefit’
4. 价值重塑过程中的企业家认同
The Entrepreneurs’ Identity in Value Remolding
二、 圆桌讨论
1. 作为价值重塑基石的良知理性
Rational Conscience as the Foundation for Values Remolding
2. 价值重塑过程中的企业家认同与企业家的“义与利”观
Entrepreneurs’ Identities and Perspectives on ‘Justice and Profit’ in Values Remolding
2016 第四届
Confucian Entrepreneurship and Modern Business Culture
一、 主题对话
1. 企业家精神与儒家文化
The Entrepreneurial Spirit and Confucian Culture
2. 儒家文化与当代儒商
Confucian Culture and Contemporary Confucian Entrepreneurs
1. 儒商精神与世界商业伦理
Confucian Entrepreneurship and World Business Ethics
2. 儒家文化与儒商传统(东亚)
Confucian Culture and Traditions of Confucian Entrepreneurs (East Asia)
2017 第五届
Learning to be Human and the Spirit of Confucian Entrepreneurs
一、 主题对话
1. 学以成人与儒商精神
Learning to be Human and the Spirit of Confucian Entrepreneurs
2. 儒商精神与全球化
The Spirit of Confucian Entrepreneurs and Globalization
3. 企业儒学与商业伦理
Business Confucianism and Business Ethics
1. 儒商精神之君子不器与工匠精神
The Spirit of Confucian Entrepreneurs - ‘The cultivated person do not live like a vessel’ and
the Craftsmanship
2. 儒商精神之厚德载物与富而好礼
The Spirit of Confucian Entrepreneurs - Substantial Virtue and Sustain Things & Rich but Good-mannered
2018 第六届
精神人文主义 —— 一种全球商业伦理
Spiritual Humanism and A World Ethos for Global Business?
1. 精神人文主义与全球伦理精神
Spiritual Humanism and a World Ethos
2. 全球商业中的精神人文主义:和而不同的多样性
Spiritual Humanism in Global Business: Harmony without Uniformity
3. 全球商业中的人文教育
Humanistic Education for Global Business
4. 人伦日用中的精神人文主义:企业案例研究
Spiritual Humanism in Global Business: Case Studies
二、 开放讨论
A World Ethos for Global Business?
2019 第七届
The Transformation of Confucian Tradition: Spiritual Humanism and the Confucian Entrepreneurship
1. 精神人文主义视域下的儒商实践——合规与守法
Practice of Confucian Entrepreneurs in the Perspective of Spiritual Humanism:
Compliance and conformance
2. 精神人文主义视域下的儒商实践——人工智能与伦理
Practice of Confucian Entrepreneurs in the Perspective of Spiritual Humanism:
Artificial Intelligence and Business Ethics
3. 精神人文主义视域下的儒商实践——“大生意”?
Practice of Confucian Entrepreneurs in the Perspective of Spiritual Humanism:
Spiritual Humanism and Big Business
2020 第八届·线上特辑
Entrepreneurship from the Perspective of Business Civilization
1. 秦朔(人文财经观察家):“新时代、新商业、新文明——商业文明视角下的企业家精神”
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