讲座题目:Confucian Political Philosophy for Non-Confucians
主讲人:Prof.Ralph Weber(拉尔夫·韦伯教授)
主讲人介绍:Dr. Ralph Weber is a Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the University Research Priority Program Asia and Europe at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). He specializes on contemporary Chinese political philosophy and Confucianism. He has also published extensively on the methodological and philosophical problems of "comparison" in comparative philosophy. He is the book review editor for Europe of the journal Philosophy East and West. His most recent article is called "Controversy over 'Julllien': or where and what is China, philosophically speaking?" [有关“于连”之论争 — 在哲学意义上, 中国何谓?中国何在?], published in the Journal of Chinese Philosophy and in Chinese translation in Shijie Hanxue 世界汉学.
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